Saturday, April 11, 2009

This is Papa's contribution...being the PATRIARCH JOKER of the family

Nana and the beginning of Ragamuffin week.
At the end of the week......we aged 25 years this week!

End of Ragamuffin Week...What a Ride!

Last night after the last ones left, it was quiet, soooo quiet. Did you know quiet could be loud? It was.

I hardly know how to end this post. It's been fun, more fun than I would have thought. I've heard from people I don't even know! It felt a little wierd at first, kinda like...who cares what's going on in your house this week. Then I thought, well my girls do, so I'll do it for them. Then I started hearing from different ones how they were enjoying it, so I kept it up.

If you are of an age where you could be a grandparent, and aren't....go adopt some. I'm dead serious. There are children all over the place who are dying for grandparents. Just talk to any teacher. It will bring a dimension to your life you can't even begin to imagine. Everyone benefits. And you never run out of love.

To ours......Alexx, Zack, Daniel, Katie, Joel, Marco, Seth, Gus and Ana Lucia......we love you more than life itself.....all the way to the moon and back.....all the way around the world and back. We are with you always, no matter what. We are in your corner ( but only if it is in line with your parents) and love you with a love that is different than any other love on this earth. Our door is ALWAYS open to you..but we think you know that

Thanks to all who stopped in here this past week. God bless you and have a meaningful, blessed Easter.
Nana Carol

Before We Say Good-bye

One last picture before we say good-bye. What a week it was!!!!

Our family has a tradition of the last picture being one of silly faces.

This is what I saw as I walked upstairs one morning. Looks like someone bled to death in their sleep! Remember the Joel/cranberry post? It may have leaked but it cooled the boy down.

Look closely and you will see Gus is in handcuffs. Nothing. And I mean NOTHING was out of bounds for those handcuffs...even the freezer and refrigerator door handles were handcuffed together.

Seth designated this room the 'Karate Training Arena' and did it ever get a workout!

OH YEAH....there were a lot of pillow fights! the Karate Training Arena.

Ana loves it when Joel 'throws her away' , bouncing on the sofa.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Last Day of Ragamuffin Week

I'm sure there will be several posts today as this is the grand finale of Ragamuffin Week. These little things happen all the time when the kids are here...I'm just not accustomed to sharing them pubicly like this.

I overheard one conversation....
Marco..." When my mom gets here I'm going to ask her if I can stay for two more nights."
Seth....."When my mom gets here I'm going to ask her if I can live here."
Marco....."Ooohhhh...what will you do when you live here?"
Seth......" Welllll...I'm going to see if I can be in charge." (hmmm, in charge of what?)

Last night Joel slept with a bag of cranberries..yes, you read right. Cranberries. I had a few things to do so didn't climb into bed the same time they did. Joel kept coming downstairs saying he was soooo hot. I thought it was an excuse to prolong bedtime, BUT....he said he had solved the dilema as he took off upstairs with a bag of frozen cranberries. This kid is a problem solver.

I just got shot in the back of the head with a dart....time to take the darts away!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Quiet Reflection

This is the last night of Ragamuffin Week and what a wonderful week it has been. May I give you a small glimpse of each of these kids? They each have their own distinct personalities and what a joy it is to watch them grow up. Joel, 10, has a 40 year old soul. He is way beyond his years in many ways and has a grasp on spiritual matters that amazes me continually. He is very nurturing, especially to his little brother and cousins. Marco,7, is our quiet reflective one. He is very sensitive and tender. He also is such a little helper. You don't have to tell him to pick up toys, he does it all on his own and organizes everything in the process. He's always asking, "Can I do anything to help you, Nana?"Seth,5(6 next week) is our little one with Autism and has made such incredible progress, it's nothing short of a miracle! He is very smart and comes up with the most astounding thoughts. To see him struggle, work through things that come naturally to others, and come out on top just makes me so proud of him! Gus,5,is our little guy that simply oozes life to the fullest. He approaches everything with such enthusiasm that you can't help but get drawn in! He was blessed with a huge sense of humor and has that infectious giggle that makes you laugh just to hear him. Ana,3, is absolutely the sweetest little girl and loves to be loved on. When she smiles that bright smile and says,"Nana, you're the best"I just melt. She also has a lot of spunk and can keep up with all these boys at anything!

We are so blessed to have them in our life and are continually amazed that they want these two old folks around so much! I pray for them continually, separately and as a group. I pray for something different for them each week as a group. Sometimes it is for them to love the Lord with all their hearts, or to realize what wonderful parents they have, or for them to be obedient to those in authority. This week it is for their safety, as they are all in different places away from home. Individually, my prayers are very specific for each one. I will thank God for them til I draw my last breath. They are one of the greatest gifts we have ever been given by God.

Quiet Reflection....A Handcuffed Kid

I had a few moments of quiet reflection as Ana was napping and Papa walked the other four to the park. I started to post a few thoughts when in walked Joel...crying and in handcuffs! The look on my face must have asked the question. He said, "I fell and I hurt EVERYWHERE" Ok, just sit down and tell me where you are injured.( For those of you who don't know, Joel is our drama queen when he is sick or injured) As he attempted to pull up his pants leg, I asked, " Why are you handcuffed?"His tears turned into gales of laughter. They were playing some sort of 'catch the bad guy' game and when he headed for home to 'NURSE NANA" he forgot to get have Marco take them off...and Marco has the keys! So here we are...I'm cleansing and doctoring up his wounds...he is in could only happen during Ragamuffin Week. He is now sitting in Papa's recliner, his leg elevated with an icepack taped to his jeans, just in case it slips off, you know. And Papa is laughing, threatening to take his picture.

As for the more serious, reflective thoughts. They will have to wait til tonight. Seth just pooped and needs to get in the 'poop box'. Gus is trying to retrieve the handcuffs from Marco. Marco just tromped on Gus' feet. I need to check the ham. And daughter #2 just called to check on her little ones...need to return the call.Later........

Tooth Fairies and Trap Doors

The tooth fairy DID come to Farmland last night! A call from Cincinnati informed someone here that inflation rate was 400%.From 25 cents to $1.00. Marco was quite delighted and wants to spend it today.Seth was also quite impressed and is DYING to lose a tooth. Early this morning he kept hitting a little plastic cup against his teeth. When I asked him why he was doing this, he informed me that a girl in his class lost a tooth by hitting a cup against it. Oh must be loose first!

The 'trap door' story was resurrected last night. It was an old favorite when the teen grandkids were little. Joel was beside himself that I had never told the younger ones this story. It is another Nana-manufactured story about a trap door in our house that leads to an underground fantasy world. It has numerous rooms...each with a different theme. The Star Wars room has every Star Wars toy that was ever made....the snack room is filled to overflowing with every kind of snack imaginable...the costume room has everything a kid could want to be his/her favorite on and so get the idea. The great thing about this story is that it gets everyone's imagination in high gear! Each one has his own room to add and it is pure joy to see their sparkling faces and vivid contributions. It is a story that is interactive. So much so that no one wanted to stop and go to bed. As I tucked them in, I told them not to talk but each one come up with a new room for the story and share it in the morning. That they did. We now have more rooms to add to the story. Before long it will take a few hours for this story alone!
I have a sneaking suspicion this story will outlive me and go on to future generations...just as my grandma's storytelling is a real part of who I am today.

Our Grandkids Have TALENT!

Papa gets in on the fun too! He did this on the computer and the kids think it is hilarious!

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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

What is the going rate for a lost tooth now?

Marco just pulled a loose tooth. He asked me if he put it under his pillow if the tooth fairy would come here. Of course he/she will! Now the question....what is the going rate?? I'm sure it is much more than the quarter my adult children found when they were small. Better make a call to Cincinnati tonight.

Only at Nana and Papa's

Part of the treat of coming to Nana and Papa's is watching cartoons while you eat breakfast and sometimes lunch...but NEVER AT DINNERTIME. No, my kids weren't allowed to do this, and the grandchildren aren't allowed to at their homes. But, this is one little treat that is part of staying at grandparents.

Who needs toys????

We just built a new big garage. It has a huge upstairs that all grandkids have visions for. The teen-agers have plans for beds, TV's, a refrigerator and an endless supply of snacks. The younger ones are content to let their imaginations run wild as they play and explore. When I went to check on them this morning, I found Joel, Marco, and Gus had made beds on some shelves ( using rolls of paper towels for pillows) and Seth standing guard...stated he was the 'security guard'. Who needs toys when you have imaginations like this????

With all this testosterone pumping in my house right now, It's good to have another female. Even if she is just three years old and trying her darnest to curl her eyelashes. Atta girl, Ana, but don't try shaving your legs next!!!!

She understands Autism

Today, amidst the 'busy-ness' of the ragamuffins, my friend, Kyle came out to chat with me and hang out with the grandkids. I had warned her, so she knew it would be anything but a quiet chat session, but she came anyhow.

She called to see if it would be alright to bring treats for the kids. I told her 'sure' but not to be offended if Seth looked at his treat and said, "No thank you." Being autistic, his food range is very limited and he eats very little candy. He does like 'Laffy Taffy' but his candy taste is pretty much limited to grape flavor. So I told her not to worry about it, he would be fine.

When she arrived, she had chocolate bunnies for Joel, Marco, Gus, and Ana, and GRAPE LAFFY TAFFY for Seth. She hunted til she found it! She understands Autism, and that means the world to me.

A Little Old Depression-era Lady She Will Never Be

During my career as a hospital nurse, I chuckled at the TINY WAD of toilet tissue my elderly depression-era patients would use. I realized they came from an era where nothing was wasted and could never convince them it was ok to use a bigger piece...we had an ample supply.

Our little Ana will never qualify as a 'don't-waste-any-toilet-paper-depression-era-lady'! I walked into the bathroom this morning and here was the scene...Papa was carefully using the plunger to unclog the toilet after Ana had used almost HALF A ROLL IN ONE SITTING. His only words were, " We've got to hide the toilet paper from Ana." So....the roll of toilet paper now sits waaay up high on top of a cabinet out of her reach, with the instructions to call Nana when she potties.
Problem big deal.

More posts to come tonight with pictures.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The famous CANDY STORE

" OH yeah...we got some good stuff!" front of the candy store

Decisions, decisions

" How many things can we get?"

They are running so far ahead of me you can barely see them..."gotta get there..gotta get there"

Setting out for the candy store.

I can still multitask!

I thought my days of multitasking ended with my retirement from hospital nursing. NOT SO! Here is an honest to goodness real conversation that took place in about a two minute time frame...........

"Don't step in that broken glass til I get it cleaned up...No, Ana, you can't get in the bath tub with Gus, he has a rash......Chocolate ice cream for breakfast dessert, Joel????......No, that's a movie you aren't allowed to watch....Wait a minute, Gus, I have to put medicine on your rash.......Ana, that's Seth's vitamins, don't touch it.....No, it's not time for lunch yet."

These posts will be fragmented as my time is, so bear with me. Kyle, are you sure you want to come out tomorrow?????

This morning as Danny was putting on deodorant, Seth, Marco, Gus and Ana all wanted some...and he obliged. Seth's question, "Will this make hair in my armpits?" Now they all think they will wake up with long hairy armpits tomorrow!!!

I've decided Seth will someday be anchor for The Situation Room on CNN. He is the informer when a squabble arises between Ana and Gus.....In a very grown up( all of 5 yrs. old) voice, he informs me..." Nana, theres a situation in the bathroom....Nana, theres a situation in the living room...."

Day two and we've only just begun

It's 8AM and you, my daughters had better still be in bed! Here, on the other hand, we are already transported to another atmosphere. As in Star Wars lingo. Their only problem this morning was that they all wanted to be on the same team. No problem kids...just pretend like the enemy is invisable and you all are one great force. It worked.

Bedtime last night was reeeaaallly prolonged! That is to be expected on the first night though, as they are always wound up. First it was Miss Suzy stories and a new one was created by Marco...'Miss Suzy goes to church'. They even thought Miss Suzy could be looking in the window at us to see how we tell bedtime stories.

Then came the, "but I want to sleep beside Nana" ( remember when the big ones were little and they all had to be touching Nana as they fell asleep?) Gus won the first night and we flip flop every night so all are happy. It took forever for 'LIGHTS OUT' and then the giggling began. After a LONG time I had to threaten cancelling todays trip to the candy store. That was the magic threat....I will remember that.

Just as I was falling asleep, Gus had to engage in one more conversation.....
Gus..."Nana why do you sleep with a pillow between your knees?"
Nana...."Because my knees hurt and that makes it feel better."
Gus...."Why do your knees hurt?"
Nana...."Because I need new knees."
Gus...."How are you going to do that."
Nana...." The doctor will do that"
Nana..." He will cut out my old ones and give me new ones."
Gus....."That's pretty cool" ( I'm thinking, pretty cool my hind legs!!!)
Nana...."Yeah, that's cool...good night Gus"
Gus...." Nana?"
Gus...." I love you"
Nana...."Ilove you too, Gussy"

These high energy never-stop-for-a-moment kids have my heart 100%. I only hope they will have these precious memories that live in their hearts long after we are gone.

Monday, April 6, 2009


OK...My high-tech girls set up this blog in honor of 'ragamuffin week', and patiently walked me through the process of BLOGGING. So here goes.......
For those of you who don't know, ragamuffim week is right now. Five grandchildren ages 10, 7, 5, 5 and 3 are spending their spring break with Nana and Papa. It's been anticipated for some time now and is in full swing as I write.
We have a tradition, of sorts, at our house and that is "THE POOP BOX'. It started when my 18 yr old grandson could see no good reason to poop in the toilet...he preferred his pants. So....I conjured up a box filled with treats and let him get in THE POOP BOX when he did his business in the proper container. As each grandchild came along and observed this tradition, it continued down through the years.
This evening Seth sauntered out of the bathroom with a smug smile and announced, "I pooped" glancing up at the place where I keep the poop box. As he rustled through the goodies, Marco and Gus BOTH headed for the bathroom seeing who could be the next one to partake of the sacred box. They love to poop at Nana and Papas.

Drop and Run

This first post is the mommies (Aimee and Holly), setting up the blog for Nana and Papa. We are gleefully leaving the premises momentarily.

Have fun, oh children (and parents) of ours! Hopefully we will return to retrieve the children ...