Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The famous CANDY STORE

" OH yeah...we got some good stuff!"...in front of the candy store

Decisions, decisions

" How many things can we get?"

They are running so far ahead of me you can barely see them..."gotta get there..gotta get there"

Setting out for the candy store.


  1. Aimee,
    Lest you think Ana is still in the candy store or running down the street unattended....We made our first trip to the candy store right after lunch but they were closed til 1:00. We went back after I put Ana down for her nap.

  2. As long as you are dealing with the sugar high . . . fine with me! You know all the rules about artificial dyes, so HAVE AT IT!

    The rest of day TWO:

    Stopped at Starbucks, got two coffees, went to Lesa's, sat and talked, laughed, loved on girl baby. Heaven!

    Went home, picked up husband, went to Cosco and Sam's.

    Stopped on way home to pick up sushi, sweet & spicy chicken and fried rice.

    Played with Brian for awhile, ate cookies he brought us from the Westin.

    Watched "Seven Pounds" with Sean.

    Watched "The Women" after Sean retired to bed.

    Still up at 2:51 a.m.

    This is the life!
