Thursday, April 9, 2009

Tooth Fairies and Trap Doors

The tooth fairy DID come to Farmland last night! A call from Cincinnati informed someone here that inflation rate was 400%.From 25 cents to $1.00. Marco was quite delighted and wants to spend it today.Seth was also quite impressed and is DYING to lose a tooth. Early this morning he kept hitting a little plastic cup against his teeth. When I asked him why he was doing this, he informed me that a girl in his class lost a tooth by hitting a cup against it. Oh must be loose first!

The 'trap door' story was resurrected last night. It was an old favorite when the teen grandkids were little. Joel was beside himself that I had never told the younger ones this story. It is another Nana-manufactured story about a trap door in our house that leads to an underground fantasy world. It has numerous rooms...each with a different theme. The Star Wars room has every Star Wars toy that was ever made....the snack room is filled to overflowing with every kind of snack imaginable...the costume room has everything a kid could want to be his/her favorite on and so get the idea. The great thing about this story is that it gets everyone's imagination in high gear! Each one has his own room to add and it is pure joy to see their sparkling faces and vivid contributions. It is a story that is interactive. So much so that no one wanted to stop and go to bed. As I tucked them in, I told them not to talk but each one come up with a new room for the story and share it in the morning. That they did. We now have more rooms to add to the story. Before long it will take a few hours for this story alone!
I have a sneaking suspicion this story will outlive me and go on to future generations...just as my grandma's storytelling is a real part of who I am today.


  1. Live on, Nana's Trap Door! Have they asked for Timmy and the Bear yet? "Timmy! TIIIMMMMHYYYYY!"

    Day THREE:
    Lounged around drinking coffee.

    Prepared to work on embroidery orders. Realized I needed a few supplies.

    Went to get supplies at JoAnn. Then walked slowly around Target with no kids to push me along or bother me. :-)

    Came home to pick up Sean - went out to dinner at Mudsocks Grill. YUMMMM. Crab cakes.

    Came home, got jammies on. Sat on couch and watched rerun of George Lopez because too lazy and tired to find something else (remember, I was up until after 3am this morning!)

    Asleep by 10:15.

    I could get used to this. Starting to miss funny boys and major snuggles with them. But the house still looks like it did when I picked it up Monday morning. Woot!

  2. Oh Carol, you are creating such wonderful memories for those beautiful children. They will cherish those memories for the rest of their lives. You are an awesome Nana!
